Recent activities
We present here our recent activities conducted during the last two years.
For a more comprehensive view of our activities since 2014, including roundtables, publications, and support to some activities of the FMSH, see our page archives
The first president of our Association, Immanuel Wallerstein, was a scholar of international standing. We paid homage to him after his death in 2019, organizing a roundtable and publishing a leaflet collecting diverse tributes and a few writings from him. (see on this website the page Archives, year 2019).
Celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, the FMSH has hosted, in partnership with the Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian, the Institut Universitaire de France and our Association, an international conference on Immanuel’s work and legacy, titled “Capitalism, anti-capitalism, committed social sciences at a global scale”. Set up by an organization committee where Kathy Wallerstein and Maurice Aymard played a leading role, the Conference welcomed some thirty speakers and moderators from multiple countries, including Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, member, as Maurice Aymard, of our Governing Board. Indeed, our contribution was not just financial, but intellectual as well…
For a presentation of the event
The podcasts of each session are available on Canal U, via the links provided on the page dedicated to the Conference on the FMSH webpage: see here.
The Association of the Friends of the FMSH has organised on April 24th, in partnership with Maison Suger, a conversation with Ranabir Samaddar, from the Calcutta Research Group, and visiting scholar at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Aix-Marseille on
After an opening talk from Ranabir Samaddar, « What Make Keywords in Refugee and Migration Stories? », a conversation has been engaged with the speaker and five scholars who had worked on migration issues : Flore Gubert, Rada Ivekovic, Abdolmohammad Kazemipur, Marie-Caroline Saglio and Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Jean-Luc Racine being the moderator.
See the detailed program: here
See the paper of Ranabir Samaddar: “A compendium of keywords in refugee ad migration studies is a collective work”, published in International Migration, 2023: here
Listen to the podcast of the event: here
The podcast of the event will be available later on, on our website. This event has echoed the research conducted at FMSH from 2026 to 2021 by Professor Alexis Nouss, holder of the chair « Exile and Migration ». See the website:
and the roundtable « Migration policies and Migrations politics », hold on November 8th 2021 (in French) :
The field of migration studies is still alive today at the FMSH, through projects linked to the Institut Convergence Migrations et the International Panel on Migrations.
Update of the statutes of the Association:
We had to adjust the statutes of the Association in order to satisfy a request by the Foundation MSH Supervisory Board and by the Home Ministry (which registers associations), as the Association should not have too close organic links with the FMSH in order to be represented in the Supervisory Board. Through the modification of our statutes, we have strengthened our autonomy: we have now our own website, and the President of FMSH is no more an ex-officio member of the Governing Board of the Association. He is now invited to our Board meetings, without voting powers.
In 2023, the modified statutes have been submitted twice to an extraordinary General Assembly of our members, invited to vote on line, through a security software. The modifications have been approved in the second vote, which requested a simple relative majority. Results were as follows:
The first vote ended on March 17th, 2023.
Voters: 215
Yes: 190
No: 3
No position: 22
The second vote ended on April 4th, 2023.
Voters: 332
Yes: 281
No: 3
No position: 48
The revised statutes have been therefore approved by a large majority of voters. The Governing Board of the Association thank you for your votes.
The revised statutes are effective since May 15th, 2023, when we received the registration sent by the Paris Prefecture.
In 2023 we have renewed our financial support to the PAUSE Programme, conducted by the Collège de France to the benefit of scholars and artists compelled to exile.